What It Is and How to Use It
Art Style Generator is a tool for conceptualizing new 2D works of art. Every time the home page is refreshed, one stylistic element randomly pops up within each of 11 categories. The result is a unique array of elements that the visitor can use as inspiration. The site also allows visitors to scroll through the choices available within each category to create their own particular challenges—or sources of inspiration.

Art Style Generator does not attempt to encapsulate the full scope of visual language but, rather, to suggest new creative combinations and to point to the infinite possibilities. If you do the math, you’ll find that nearly 1.5 billion combinations of stylistic elements could be generated on the site. If you multiply this by specific color palettes, by the wide variety of art materials, by the juxtaposition of styles, and by all the inner and outer worlds of subject matter, the possibilities are truly endless. We hope that Art Style Generator inspires exploration by artists of all ages, and we welcome its use in schools, at creative social gatherings, and by individual artists. Let us know about your thoughts and experiences!

Invitation to Artists
We will soon launch ArtStyleNavigator.com, inviting artists to submit works and tag them according to elements of style. Visitors to the site will be able to surf combinations of stylistic elements to find all types of 2D art. Stay tuned!

Commission Works
Not only will ArtStyleNavigator.com offer a forum for discovering artists' diverse works, the site will also include a section where patrons can post ideas for commissions and welcome bids from artists. Using the same categories found on Art Style Generator, patrons can describe the type of works they would like to commission. Patrons will be able to specify if they wish to work with local artists and to open bids to only those artists who have achieved a high rating. All commissions and business will be conducted directly between patrons and artists or their agents. Patrons will simply be charged a fee equal to 1% of the cost of the commission.